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Father's Day Week Home Delivery Map

With current Melbourne lockdown laws in place it may be difficult to be able to guarantee delivery of Father's Day gifts within Melbourne prior to the event. For this reason, DÉCLIC is introducing a Father's Day Home Delivery service this week in the lead-up to Dad's special day for selected Melbourne districts and surrounding suburbs. We will be on the roads ensuring that your gift will be delivered in time for Father's Day Sunday September 6th.

Just place your minimum $100 order from now and 9am Friday September 4th, and if your delivery address falls within the selected districts and surrounding suburbs we will personally deliver by the weekend - guaranteed & free of charge!


Home Delivery Postcodes

3000-3006, 3008, 3010-3013, 3015-3016, 3018-3024, 3034, 3039-3041, 3044, 3050-3058, 3065-3068, 3070-3072, 3078-3079, 3081, 3084, 3101-3109, 3111, 3121-3133, 3141-3151, 3161-3175, 3181-3202, 3204-3207, 3910-3913, 3915-3916, 3918-3920, 3926-3931, 3933-3934, 3936-3944 



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